Be Careful About Hidden Gems

As you may have read or noticed on your end of year statements, small cap stocks were the top performing category for 2010.  These stocks outperformed their large cap counterparts and gave investors with small cap positions a significant boost…

Darkness Before Dawn?

We are not even six months removed from a period when many economists were predicting we’d see a double-dip recession. During times like these, confidence of the average investor is incredibly fragile. But as Harvey Dent reminded us in The…

There’s Still Time to Contribute to your Roth IRA!

Tax payers have until April 18th of 2011 to make their Roth contributions for the 2010 tax year. If you are within the income limitations to make contributions, a Roth IRA is an excellent investment account as investment growth is tax deferred and withdrawals in retirement can be tax free.

I Want to Rollover My Retirement Account

At Financial Symmetry, we can help you decide on what to do with your inactive qualified plan and multiple IRA accounts. Whether you are changing jobs, entering retirement or simply wanting to consolidate your accounts, we can help you with each step of the rollover process.

Should I be Using my Roth 401k?

  You could be saving more money tax-free. If your company offers a Roth 401k option, this could be your ticket. Many people question if they should be taking advantage of a Roth 401k? To help you make a decision, we’ve answered questions…

Compromise on Taxes?

You’ve no doubt heard stories this week that the Obama Administration and Republican leaders have negotiated an end-of-year tax deal which will, among other things, extend the current income tax rates for the next two years for all Americans.  Capital…

You, Too, Can Balance the Federal Budget

Want to have a little mindless fun?  Try balancing the federal budget in ten minutes or less. Believe it or not, you can actually do this on an interactive web site created by the New York Times.  There are two…

The Influence of Politics on Your Portfolio

When it comes to investing, emotions are probably the single biggest obstacle to success for most investors.  Since strong emotions often accompany politics, we feel it’s important to try and minimize politics when gathering our investment research and implementing investment…

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We break down some of the most important questions we are asked on a regular basis.

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