Thinking About Investing

Have you ever felt anxious about your investment portfolio?  Who hasn’t?  A recent presentation at one of our professional conferences pointed out that five out of every six years will produce a stock market return sequence that either triggers anxiety…

Mental Accounting

Chances are, you know somebody who has made a vow to go to the gym twice or three times a week, and even bought a gym membership, and never gets around to going.  You probably also know people who don’t…

The Urge to Do Something Different

Many investors have become disillusioned with their investment strategy.  After all, at the end of the 2000s,  most investors were left with less than they started with at the beginning of the decade.  So a desire to do something different…

1940 = 2010?

Over the last few weeks, we’ve had a few clients call us with some understandable concerns regarding current stock market conditions.  They have asked whether it makes sense to sell stocks and move their money in to cash and bonds. …

Financial Celebrities

Many of our new clients tell us they found out about fee only financial planning by listening to talk radio or watching their favorite financial pundit on television. Media personalities such as Suze Orman, Clark Howard, and Dave Ramsey do…

Extreme Opinions

In the world we live in today, we are inundated with 24 hour news and information from more sources than ever before.  New gadgets and devices continue to roll out to capture our attention with fascinating technologies. Smartphones and other…

The Relationship between Gold and Inflation

Historically, gold has been used as a hedge against inflation.  During the run up in to its peak price in 1980, gold was chasing the inflation rate as investors feared that their purchasing power was going to be destroyed by…

This Little Piggy Goes to the Market…

When we start working with a new client, one of the first steps is typically consolidating the number of accounts they have outstanding.  In our experience this makes your finances easier to manage by reducing the mental accounting that needs…

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We break down some of the most important questions we are asked on a regular basis.

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