Tax Savings After Job Loss

Tax Savings After Job Loss Are they able to lower the amount of taxes due? What tax-saving strategies are available to them? What can they do to save on taxes going forward? The Situation Kate recently lost her job and … Continued

Planning for Busy Professionals

Planning for Busy Professionals How much longer do you need to work, and how much can you spend now to meet your retirement goal? What’s the best way to pay for college for your children? What tax-saving strategies are available … Continued

Saving for Retirement

Jack & Jill Save for Retirement Is their retirement goal feasible? How much should they defer to retirement plans? What retirement plan option should Jill choose? What tax-saving strategies are available to them? A couple wades through all the Retirement … Continued

Can I Retire?

After years of saving, you are excited about the potential for your next chapter, but still unsure if you’ve saved enough. During your working years, you have saved diligently in your various retirement accounts but now there’s a whole new … Continued

Starting a Family

Starting a Family How will losing Alexis’ income impact their financial stability? Is buying the larger home feasible at this time? How much should they be deferring into the employer benefit plans? What are their options for saving for their … Continued

Planning for a Second Marriage

Planning for a Second Marriage Should Sally sell one or both of her homes? Should Frank sell his home? Who should be the beneficiary on Frank’s 401k? Do they need to redo their wills? What tax implications will they have … Continued

Planning for Business Owners

Planning for Business Owners What tax-saving strategies are available to you? Which retirement account(s) should you use for your business? Regarding your personal finances, are you missing any opportunities or making any mistakes given your busy schedule? How much longer … Continued